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Restoration Treatment


Restoration treatment is usually recommended by your dentist if you have missing teeth, or if specific parts of your natural teeth are missing and require repair.

Examples of this include tooth structure that is missing due to:

  • fracture or damage

  • the deterioration of an existing repair

  • decay


Types of Restoration Treatment

Restorations come in a variety of different forms and will vary depending on the extent of the restoration required.
Some of the restorations available include the following: 


Fillings are the simplest and most commonly used variety of dental restoration. They are created from gold, silver amalgam or tooth-colored composite resin and can be put into your tooth in just one visit to your dentist’s office.


Crowns are also a very popular variety of restoration that take the form of a tooth-shaped cap and are designed and colored to match your existing teeth as closely as possible. Crowns can sit over an implant to take the place of a missing tooth or to hold a bridge in place, and restore the strength, appearance, shape, and size of your teeth so well that they are virtually imperceptible once in place.



If you have two or more missing teeth, then your dentist may recommend a bridge as the best course of action. Dental bridges are comprised of false teeth that are designed to bridge any gaps left by missing teeth. They are anchored to natural teeth using crowns and then cemented firmly into place.


Dentures are essentially the predecessor to dental implants. They are available as a complete set, which replaces all of your teeth on either the top or the bottom of your jaw, or a partial set which is usually recommended when you have some healthy natural teeth. Dentures are removable, which makes them less popular than implants as you have to take them out to eat certain foods.


A veneer is an ultra-thin molding of porcelain that is custom created for your tooth and bonded to the surface of an affected tooth in order to restore it. They are most commonly used to restore teeth that are chipped or misshapen, although some people do like to get them for their cosmetic value.

If you think you need dental restoration treatment, we recommend that you speak to your dentist who will be happy to advise you which is right for your personal needs.

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